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Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 12. A decade ago that would have been cause for panic, with just one shopping day left. In this era of next-day, same-day and even one-hour delivery for online shoppers, there’s still time...
Known for creating layered spaces filled with patterns, texture and style, Meg Lonergan has an obsession with interiors that started at an early age. As a young girl, she spent her days selecting the ideal color for her bedroom...
Perhaps the greatest benefit to hiring a professional painter is that your project will have a professional look, with clean lines and edges.Courtesy Pixabay High-quality paint will show better color and covers more area than low-cost...
 MONDAY, MAY 6: Library events:The New Bern-Craven County Public Library has events for children and adults this week.Adult program begin May 6 with iPhone Basics at 2:30 p.m. No computer skills necessary, but an iPhone is required. Registration required. Call...
Tucked away across a bridge in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark lies the largest hotel room the city has to offer: the Vipp Loft. You might recognize Vipp's name from the classic trashcan design that put them on the...
1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair at Industria.BRITTANY BUONGIORNO After four years of increasingly momentous editions across the river in Brooklyn, the 1-54 Contemporary Art Fair made its Manhattan debut on Thursday with vibrant work splayed across white walls at Industria,...
No kid is born a picky eater, but there are plenty who will give you a run for your money come mealtime. Whether it's a selective eating phase or simply a natural resistance to trying something new, getting your...